Writing in and about Nature is not new but writing in and about Nature to bring awareness to the current state of our planet is.
It is the beginning of the first decade of the 21st century. About mid-way in to last year my colleague Kristine Zeigler and myself began to talk about the general lack of attention being made to writers interested in writing about nature. After a few conversations, many emails, and an all-important meeting while enjoying an Ethiopian dinner in D.C., our organization New Nature Writers was born.
We’re taking an adventurous risk; however, we think it is worth it. You see, we believe that our voices can be heard and through our writing we can raise awareness for the preservation of our planet.
Through this organization we recognize the need for writers to express themselves in many ways – from writing a memoir of a beloved place so we all remember the way it once was, to saving a piece of land from being ravished by the pursuit of corporate or government greed.
One of the main questions we wish to address is “Are we just aware of climate change or do we move toward acting wisely as a response to its existence?” The answer involves not only knowing about the situation on hand but having the wisdom to do something about it.
Join us and do something about it.
Change the direction of Planet Earth through your writing.
We all have the experience of being part of our environment and we all have voices that need to be heard. Let us be the facilitators and assist you with your writing from first words, first pages to being published online or via a book. We’re here to assist you while you compose articles, essays, short stories, poems and books and while you move to get that work out into the world.
Our network of like-minded individuals stands by to support the words you write.
We hope you’ll join us while we write to preserve the new earth, the New Nature.
Laurie and Kristine, Your Writing Rangers