Welcome to the Weekly Landscape where we’ll post a bit of history Bygone Days, celebrate current writing with the potential to save the Earth, Writing Nowadays, and a look into the future with some Scenic Outlook pieces. Enjoy!
Writing Nowadays
Nature is now perhaps our most cherished resource as we experience the COVID-19 pandemic.
She Explores – a wonderful blog dedicated to women exploring the outdoors featured this article this week – A Guide to Getting Outside During the Covid-19 Pandemic:
She Explores https://she-explores.com/features/our-guide-to-getting-outside-during-the-covid-19-pandemic/
Bygone Days
This will take you out of your sheltering in place as you learn about the Grand Canyon from a new point of view.
Who mapped the Grand Canyon? This forgotten female mountaineer Barbara Washburn, a self-described “accidental mountaineer,” spent 40 years mapping remote corners of the U.S.
Scenic Outlook
For those of you who are thinking about writing about your home while sheltering there, this is an essay that displays an awareness about the author’s birthplace as she experiences her life in other parts of the country. Written from a “look through the rear-view mirror” energy, this is an excellent example of an essay about place.
Perhaps you might want to explore thoughts about your own origin story, your place of birth and upbringing?