Greetings Nature Writers,
This week’s blog post is a little different. Some of you may not be sure about the type of Nature Writing you want to pursue, others may need a nudge in a certain direction. Here’s a welcome message for all levels of Nature Writers entitled Realizing Your Love For Nature: An Introduction
Welcome. You are here. You are present. That is enough.
Think of yourself as the fool who appears as the 0 card of 78 cards in a Tarot deck. The Fool represents new beginnings, being inexperienced and not knowing what to expect. There’s a bit of improvisation that is necessary to move forward as The Fool. The Fool is depicted as a jester, a clown beggar who wears tattered clothing and carries a stick with their humble belongings tied up in a scarf on their back. Now, you may say that you would like to relate to a symbol that radiates a bit more confidence and havingness, however, think of The Fool as a way to state that you are at the beginning, about to take your first steps into a world you have been interested in exploring but never took the time to do so. Additionally, The Fool looks like they are about to step off the side of a cliff. This represents the leap of faith that is necessary as you begin to explore this world of writing about Nature. This is a tarot card, sure, but this individual also looks like they might be enjoying a walk in Nature, yes?
Past Thoughts and Wonderings
Have you ever felt out of place within your family, school, community? I’m not saying that you felt like the neighborhood outcast or hermit, you just felt like you may be interested in spending more time outside than some of your friends? Or you’ve found yourself interested in researching a part of the globe that is far away? Perhaps your family spent time outdoors more than other families or you discovered some aspect of the adventure/outdoor scene on your own sometime in your life.
This is all good! Now if seems you are wanting to not only experience Nature but write about it also. In this manner you experience Nature twice.
If you have found yourself wanting to know more about classic Nature writers and books that established this genre or you wish to learn more about those writers and their passion for writing to save and preserve Nature you are in the right place.
If you found that you want to say something about the current state of our Earth and climate affairs, then you’re in the right place.
If you reach out for current books about travel, Nature, and the future of our Earth, then you’re in the right place.
You may be shy about approaching some of these topics, that’s understandable, however, know that all of these elements are available to you to learn about, explore and implement into your life. Not all of them will serve you – and some will work more than others at certain times in your life. Perhaps you’ll find that none of them are exactly what you’re looking for and as a result you’ll create your own Nature writing voice – so be it. What you do with this knowledge is yours and yours alone. This course introduces you to the exploration path. Once you choose the elements you wish to explore further, that’s another step, one that will not be depicted like The Fool’s step off of the cliff. At that point you’ll have more information to work with as you continue on your Nature writing journey.
You are you, the one precious you and you’ve chosen to begin a journey of self exploration through understanding the writing of other writers. Pat yourself on your back and welcome. This is a safe place. If at anytime you have questions, please let your instructor know.
Stir your creative mind, replenish your energy and begin to embrace this new way of looking at the environment that surrounds you.
Buddhists talk of “Beginner’s Mind”, a place where we experience life without any preconceived thoughts. Know that The Fool’s mind is a beginner’s mind. The only way to move forward is to think like a child without any thoughts about how things may have been in the past, without anticipation of good or bad, just be. Trust in the universe is all that is necessary.
Again, welcome. You are here. You are present. That is surely enough.
WRITING PROMPT: Share some times in your life when you have experienced Nature. This could be a walk around your urban block or week’s long trek on the Appalachian Trail – or any type of Nature experience in-between.
What are your first thoughts as you remember these experiences? Do you have major reactions to either good or bad elements that happened along the way?
What are you drawn to know more about as you begin to formulate thoughts about what you might want to share, might want to write about these experiences.
Write a short statement – 250-300 words about one of these experiences in Nature – don’t second guess it, just write your immediate feelings and share those thoughts via words. If you want to share, please send your short essays to me at
Keep writing forward –